Saturday, April 24, 2010

Interesting Cunning Evil Shit about School Systems

Im reading Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell ..interesting thingy i came across --- children born after the first day of school are less likely to succeed academically. WHY? if you are born after september, you are younger/less mature than the people who are in your grade.

For  example: if children start first grade at 5, but your friend turned 5 in february and u turn 5 in october..that means if both of you start 1st grade together... your friend is 8 months more mature than you are. Therefore, some material may be easier for your older friend to understand, but more difficult for you because you are still young. This disadvantage makes it seem as if your older friend is smart, when in fact he/she is just older. You feel a little dumb because you cannot get it while your friend gets praised and recommended for gifted programs !!! Gifted programs = better education = more likely to get better grades/SAT scores = better colleges = better degree/education = better job !! all because HE/SHE WAS BORN BEFORE SEPTEMBER. this is also known as the "ACCUMULATIVE ADVANTAGE"/ "MATTHEW EFFECT" ...... smh @ the school system !!! ...

Funny, But TRUE ! :)

The Weave Problem...

so, lately everyone's been going hard on weaves, wigs, extensions and blah blah blah. Even Chris Rock had the movie "Good Hair". But this is what i think. Before we start u should kno 5 FACTS.
  1. I wear weaves :)
  2. According to the Social Learning Theory, people learn what is acceptable via Reinforcement and Punishment: people tend to stop, get rid off, delete, avoid or dislike what they are punished for and accept, striver for and practive what they are being rewarded for.
  3. In Western societies, men are the dominant gender.
  4. In Western socities, the Americas and the Caribbean, black people were enslaved.
  5. Racism is institutionalized and still exists.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Interested in Black GLOBAL History?? --Check this website out!


im going to start blogging again. not sure exactly what i want to blog about. i'm tryna make it a daily thing. but if u hav n e ideas...tweet me ! -->> @nikkirabbiitt ..of course. One of the reasons i havent been bloggin is cause page had dis weird kinda virus or w.e so i made a nu one but this one works so heyyy...i guess its greener than somedays. but w.e. ok i think ima jus blog random things n stop rantin huh. first things first . PLAYOFFS!